Purpose Institute Timothy Conference EXCEL Convention

“Apostolic Ministry, Methods, and Doctrine”
Purpose Institute is a global ministry training institution that partners with local Apostolic trainers to develop leaders' ministry skills and help them clarify their purpose. It supports local missions with adaptable curriculum and accessible training resources.

Timothy Conference
Timothy Conference is an exciting outdoor retreat for young men ages 13-19, held in the Willamette National Forest near Sweet Home.
It offers a unique blend of Christian discipleship, wilderness skill training, and adventurous outdoor activities.
EXCEL Convention is designed to train and equip students ages 9-18 who are currently homeschooled or enrolled in Christian schools.
It offers opportunities to discover and develop skills through competitions in academics, arts, photography, sewing, music, drama and athletics.
EXCEL Mission
Oregon EXCEL is committed to equipping and discipling Pentecostals through Christian education.
Our mission is to "Train an Army of Leaders" to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.